Tuesday, August 30, 2016

08.30.2016 - R2-KT with Katie Johnson

R2KT and Katie Johnson's Page

Artwork is by KatieCanDraw.com

501st Legion

R2-KT's Facebook page

While watching #TheForceAwakens you might have noticed a pink #R2 Unit. Her name is #R2KT and she is named after a little girl named Katie Johnson. In Nov. 2004, at the age of 7, Katie was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Being a big Star Wars fan, she wished for a droid to watch over her like #R2D2 watched over #Padme. Word of Katie’s story spread through the fan community and, as it did, droid builder Andrew Schwarz painted his R2 unit #pink, named it R2-KT (Artoo-Katie) and had it delivered to the Johnson’s door. R2-KT stayed by Katie's side till she passed in August 2005. To honor Katie's memory, a group of volunteers assembled another R2-KT. It was presented to the Johnson family in 2006 and now R2-KT visits children in hospitals, appears at toy drives and shares the magic of Star Wars with fans everywhere. It is all made possible by the @official501st Legion. To find out more about Katie Johnson, R2-KT and the artist who came up with this cute memoriam, click on the link in the bio. Todays #Workout: #WarmUp 3 rounds of: - 25 #DoubleUnders - 20 #SitUps #Stretch #Strength 5 x 5 #BackSquat #wod W/a partner: - 1000m #Row - 20 #GroundToOverhead - 30 #Dips - 800m #Run - 30 Dips - 20 Ground to Overhead - 1000m Row #CrossFit #StarWars #Chalkboard #ChalkboardArt #FitFam #fitness #HomeGym #Exercise

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